It's been an interesting weekend. We bought a kite because the weather was no good for anything else, but before we could take it outside, the main support pole was 'lost' and has still not been found. No kite flying for us. Instead, we celebrated Mike's birthday. I've decided I want to make 'cool' cakes for birthdays and this was my maiden voyage. I couldn't quite get the coloring for the frosting right, but Mike didn't mind that instead of scarlet and gray his cake was purple and pink. It tasted good and I had fun, so in the end, it all turned out really well- except for the fact that Lydia told Mike what all his gifts were before he could open them. ;)
Mike's birthday is tomorrow, which means its time to renew his license. If only he could pass his written test. The poor boy didn't study at all. Naturally, he went in there like all licensed drivers with an air of "I've been driving for over a decade. I think I know what I'm doing." They had questions on the test asking what the different shapes of street signs mean. ex- a circle is a R&R crossing, a square is information etc. He missed three of these. You can only miss two. Looks like he will be taking that one again.
We found the all time boringest movie ever made. "Where the Wild Things Are." Two thumbs down. At least I was making a booklet for the kids while I watched it, so it wasn't a total waste of time.
And of course there was Mother's day. All started out well. I got to sleep in until 8:30! Wahoo. I came down the stairs rested. The first thing I saw was that Mike had fallen asleep on the couch. The second thing I saw was half eaten oreo's all over the floor and a little boy with a brown face. The third thing I saw was a little girl making "Dish soap pancakes" all over the kitchen floor. Due to my well rested state, I found these things humorous. They were cleaned up, and punishments were administered. Now, to get ready for church. I was crouched by the TV and had just started standing up when Lydia decided to lean on me. Because these things happened simultaneously, there was nothing but the TV for Lydia to lean on, and the TV is not so soft as Mom. Lydia hit the corner right above her eye. My morning plans just changed. Wiping blood, and calming fears, we ended up in the Emergency room. Thankfully, glue was able to pull together Lydia's cut instead of stitches. They put a few butterfly like things on and we were back home in time to still catch most of church. Lydia shared all the stickers she got from the ER with her primary class, adorning her shoes with the two that she retained for herself. She even gave her first talk today. I don't think anyone understood a word besides 'Jesus', but hopefully she learned something about repentance in preparation.
Your life sounds a lot like mine sometimes. Sorry to hear about Lydia's eye, Danna's had stitches in hers already, it sure is terrifying as a parent to take your child in to the ER. And for the record, I didn't like Where the Wild Things Are either.
Happy Mother's Day!
That picture of the puddle is awesome!
The puddle picture=SO COOL!
Happy Mother's Day to you!
Elsie gives her first talk in Primary next week. Fun.
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