Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The profession of Motherhood

I consider my full-time task as a homemaker a career, not just an easy way out of the work force. I try to ask myself, what am I doing to improve myself and to help my husband and child? Am I teaching them anything? Am I succeeding as a mother as I would as a public relations professional? If I had a boss to report to, would I feel proud of what I am doing? With this attitude, I seek the counsel of you other professionals out there. I am seriously lacking in the laundry department of my job. I get it done, but all I do is throw it in. Lately Lydia has demonstrated her ability to be a kid and stain her clothes. (marker and chocolate are the two most common culprits.) Do any of you have any sure fire tips on how you get out your stains? Any advice would be welcome and is sure to improve me as an employee of the Homemaker Force.


stevie kay said...

I'm pretty lazy in the laundry department as well, so the only thing I do is throw the shirt in the sink to soak in cold water as soon as I notice the stain. Then IF I remember I spray some shout on it before throwing it in the washer (most of the time I really don't remember!!!) I know Landon has some stained shirts, but this works well most of the time!

Kristine said...

All I can add to what Stevie said is that if it doesn't come out that way, I have used bar soap, like Ivory or whatever you have, and rubbed it on the stain. I've gotten some mean spaghetti and baby food stains out that way, even after putting the stained clothes through the dryer. (Apparently you aren't supposed to do that.) Anyway, I like how you said motherhood is like a career. It's good to think of it that way!

Heather said...

I only know that Woolite Oxy Deep is great for getting stains out of carpet.