Saturday, April 4, 2009


The youth sponsored a dance for a fundraiser last night and Mike and I had a great time! We went not really planning on cutting a rug, but by the end of the night we had both let loose and had a great time. Lydia escaped from the nursery by the end of the night and also enjoyed the evening shaking her sugar. She loved the strobe light and each time a song would end, she would emphatically exclaim, "More, More!" Thanks to Kristine N. for the pictures!

After all the excitement from the dance I lost my voice. I have seldom in my life lost my voice, but I was fortunate enough to lose it on one of those times when I would need it because today was my speech competition. After going mute and drinking honey and lemon water, and also after a blessing from Mike, my voice held out just long enough for me to give my speech and it couldn't have sounded too bad because I took 2nd place. (I was competing against all of Northern Indiana) This does not qualify me to move on to the next round, but I did feel that this was my best presentation of my speech yet, so I was satisfied because I knew I had done the best I was able. It was very fulfilling.

And on the topic of fulfilling- I had mentioned some time ago about finding a league to play basketball. Well I did my research and found there are no women's leagues in the area unless you play with the Purdue intramurals. This sounded alright, but sometimes the college girls can be a little ruff around the edges, so I took some initiative and am now in charge of "tri-ward Relief Society basketball" every thursday night. This last thursday was our first night and it was so much fun! (One might say it was fulfilling) I am afraid not all had as much fun though because one girl did end up tearing her LCL coming down from a rebound. I am giving her a ride to the doctor on Monday and hope that her injury doesn't end the beginning of thursday night basketball.

Until next time.


Weigel said...

the dance sounds like so much fun! I love that picture of you and mike! Plus 2nd is awesome!! You sound so busy but also like you are having so much fun. Hope to see you soon.

Alyse and Carlos said...

First of all--Congratulations! That is amazing. Even with no voice! You'll have to give us your speech sometime when you're better! Second--the dance was very fun--after we finally dragged our husbands out on the dance floor. :) And third--I love those pictures! (oh, and I have a sore throat too--maybe we overdid it last night!) Good times!

Tracy said...

congratulations on your speech! That is great! And I hope the injury wasn't the end of basketball either-though its terrible your first night of it had to end so badly.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the speech contest. I was going to call and visit about it but as usual it was a little late here in Idaho. I always knew you had a way with words. You could talk your dad into just about anything and not much has changed. Love you, Dad
Those dancing genes came from your mom.

Rebecca said...

Congrats on your speech!!! What did you talk about? You should send us some bits. I'm glad you had a rocking time at the dance. What a great tender mercy story!!

Erin L said...

I would love to see transcripts of your speeches. I didn't know you were so talented. And you really should blog more. I need to hear more from my "twin." Or call me, that would be okay too.

Unknown said...

How FUN!! I love those times when you forget all about the dirty diapers and the crying and just enjoy your little family. Cute pictures!!!

Kristine said...

Wow, Heather congratulations! And way to take the initiative and put together a bball league. Sounds fun!

Mindy said...

Congrats!! Hey, where do you guys live??? We've moving out to Indiana for the summer to install security systems..we'll be living in Westville, IN.

Kayli said...

Love that bottom picture! That was an awesome dance.

Cool about the speech--how exciting.