Thursday, July 4, 2013

Land that I love

    God Bless America!  Happy 4th!  Despite the many things you could complain about when it comes to politics, taxes, government funding,etc.  I am glad for a day to refocus on what we have and instead of complaining, shouting accolades to prosperity, perseverance, and a rich heritage of brave men and women.  Today I watched children ride bicycles, swing, light fireworks and eat watermelon.   I had the privilege of driving a car, having more than enough food, and feeling safe in my home.  It was a great day.

Dr. Hansen

Great news ladies and gentlemen.  Mike defended. And Mike passed.  He did such a great job presenting.  He really is good at explaining things. Even I, who have never taken a chemistry class, somewhat followed what he has been doing for the last 6 years!  It was actually really neat to hear him explain exactly what all those experiments were for.  Whew!  What a weight off the shoulders.  Onto new pathways, new avenues, new mountains.  Michigan, here we come! 

Downtown Indy

 We recently met up with some friends in Downtown Indy and saw the NCAA Hall of Champions.  It was a fantastic day.  Colton with the football guys- totally in his element.
 Lydia excited about a pink basketball!
 Jocelyn chased the basketball around the whole time.  Every time she would reach out to grab it, she would push it further away.  It kept her quite entertained.
My friends that I hung out with that day.  Photo courtesy of Lydia.