Monday, October 19, 2009

A quick trip

As many of you know, I was in Idaho last week for my Grandma's funeral. Though my parents feel bad because they were busy with funeral arrangements and potato harvest, I had a wonderful time coming home. Mike had to stay in Indiana in order to finish some things up at school. The kids were great on the plane and excited to see their Grandma and Grandpa "playdough" The kids liked seeing Grandpa at work. What is cooler than driving tractors, motorbikes and big trucks around?
It was fun to see the potato harvest again. Nothing brings back memories like the smell of a dirt cellar.
This is a totally random picture. Colton loves this hat and always wants to wear it when we go out.
Swinging in the backyard at Grandma's. The kids will sure be excited when they can swing on the swingset Grandpa has made for them.
Oops, forgot to rotate this picture. Colton is in the rabbit cage. I had opened up the cage to give the rabbit the core of my apple, but Colton wanted to see the rabbit up close, and then that apple looked pretty good too, so he took a bite and then gave it back.
My brothers laying flowers on my Grandma's casket.
My siblings at the funeral.
Now I know these are not flattering pictures, but while I was home several people mistook me for my 9 years younger than me sister. We took these pictures one late night and I must say, we do look alike, even in our too tired I feel goofy state.

After our time in Idaho, we went down to Provo to see Mike's sister. Here are all the kids together enjoying popsicles.

We went to this fun place with all these trampolines all connected together. Afterward the kids were all very tired.

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