Saturday, November 22, 2008

Midnight Showing

This week I did something totally out of my normal routine. I saw the midnight showing of Twilight. Yes, I was there with several hundred other high school girls all excitedly talking about every movie trailer they could consume in anticipation of this historic event. I was there when Edward Cullen first walked onto the big screen and all those giddy girls screamed. I was there when Bella kissed, dare I say it, a vampire! I read the books and enjoyed them, but I am afraid I am not CRAZY over the whole thing- a friend invited me, so I went. I won't be purchasing any shirts, but I will admit I did enjoy searching the web for a cool picture to post on this blog. This picture makes me want to go lay a big smackaroo on Mike, but he is camping right now- brrrrrrr.
Lydia is again at her Grandma and Papa Hansen's. We left her there last weekend when we went to see Mike's sister in "Alice in Wonderland" She had the lead as Alice and did a great job. We will go pick Lydia up on Tuesday and stay for Thanksgiving, so this may be my last post for a week or so. I have missed my little sunshine, but while she's been gone I've been able to start and finish my Christmas shopping. (I hate shopping when it is really busy and it will inevitably get busy after Thanksgiving.) I have also been able to help several people this week with my additional free time, which has felt really good. I plan to finish up my Lydia free week by making curtains for Lydia's room in a hope that she will stop playing with her blinds and bending them.


Shamaine said...

Good job with your Christmas shopping. I haven't even started mine yet. I keep reading everyone's posts on the movie Twilight and I still haven't seen it yet. But I'm glad you enjoyed it...and the midnight showing, way to go. :)

Erin L said...

wow. I've only left Ana for 1 night and i didn't know what to do with my self. Of course, that was before Jack was born, so I know what I would do with myself now. Hope you enjoyed yourself. Good job on Christmas!

Laura H. said...

Heather I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who loves things a 15 year old does. :) OK, there are actually a lot of us, but still... it's good. Can you believe that I actually talked my husband into going with me (sometime this next week)? I think he just wants to laugh at what he calls the "sparkly vampire movie."

Caitlin said...

Hey Heather-I went to see the movie also, and I am glad to hear that it wasn't only in Rexburg that the girls were screaming and giggling! I have to say though, I was dissapointed with the movie, not nearly as good as the books! But I have started a new series of books called The Great and Terrible. Check them out, they are good! Happy Thanksgiving!

kristine N said...

So, was it worth the sleep deprivation? I completely forgot about the opening--by which you can see I'm no longer a crazy teenager. Glad you enjoyed the outing, and thanks again for lending the books to me so I could read them with my own mental images of Edward and Bella and the rest.

Anonymous said...

Just so you guys know, we are changing our blog to private sooo if you want to give me your email address that would be great! That way I can add you to the private blog. There has been way too many people we don't know viewing our blog. So we are just trying to keep it safe. Anyways please comment and send me your emails! I finally fixed my blog so that you can finally comment! Sorry about that! ha! Thanks!