Monday, April 8, 2013

what happened to my blog?

 I like to blog.  I do.  I like to write interesting things and I like to post photos for Gram's and Gramps, but it seems lately after I finish dinner, dishes, laundry etc that I just want to sit down with Mike at the end of the day and veg out.  So please excuse my binging.  Hopefully I can start being more consistent- in more areas than just my blog.  (exercise, family home evening, eating my vegetables . . . )  If you can't guess from the above photo, we celebrated Dr. Suess's birthday at our house.  And though Lydia did try them (green eggs and ham) and though she did like them I ended up eating most of them. 
 typical.  oh so typical.
 Our first adventure to Chuck-e-cheese.  It went quite well with many requests to go back.
 The only snowman of winter- in march.  The tall skinny fellow fell down the very next day because of more warm weather. 
 Our most recent family photo on a walk to the bog.

 He claimed he was 'too tired to walk!'  Where there is a will for a free ride, there is a way. I'm just glad he didn't stick out his thumb and try hitch hiking on someone else's stroller. 
 We ran into  our good friends at the children's museum. 
 road trip!
 Running into MY friend at the children's museum.  (And my new hat!)
 Playing in mud puddles with his bestest friends! 
 My chubby little cheerleader!

 Lydia and her best friends at the church Easter egg hunt.
 Easter Egg hunting with a crooked leg.  Surgery is due soon.

searching for eggs.  I think that stick really helped him.  He carried it around all morning.

Life is good.  Life is busy.  Mike got a job.  We will be moving 3 times in the next two years and are excited for the adventure.  More later. . . when babies aren't crying and kids are fed.


Erin L said...

Heather, every time I see your blog pop up, I think "I need to chat with her." I am so wondering what is going on with your life. I know life with 3 is busy, but if you get a minute, shoot me an email. (or just send me your email address. I don't know if I still have it.) Mine is fountainsoferin at hotmail dot com

Jill said...

Love all the pictures!

Melissa said...

Good luck with the moving...been there and done that now (last move coming in August). Can't say I would do it again, but all in all we have gotten to see a lot through the process.

This is Jess not Melissa so tell Mike hi from me and congrats on the job.