Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Today I am thankful for . . .

This wonderful event was free, and I loved it just as much as the Blue Man Group! Colton and his classmates singing Thanksgiving Songs.
He looked SO handsome- and then he had to wear the Diego gardening gloves.
Colton sitting on Santa's lap for the 2nd time at the Christmas party. (He cut in line the first time and then came and found me with a candy cane in his mouth and said, "You didn't get a picture Mom."

Today I am thankful for the honest, good citizen who returned my wallet with all its contents to the lost and found at the grocery store.
I am thankful that I now have a government issued ID and I don't have to be paranoid about every police officer I see while I am driving.
I am thankful for my Frequent Movie Goer card so I can get my discount when I go to see Twilight this weekend.
I am thankful that I can now purchase things.
I am thankful that I don't have to try to go through the hassle of getting new library cards, new insurance cards, a new temple recommend, and replacing my credit and debit cards.
I am thankful for my Christmas receipts so I can return things should I need to.
I did not realize the vital importance my wallet has.

1 comment:

Christi said...

That is SO awesome that they returned your wallet! A lost wallet is such a pain. And Colten is so fun (and has grown up so much!), I enjoy being in Nursery with him.