Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's 9:15AM. I've cleaned up 3 potty training messes already and changed the sheets from a night time accident. Colton just came out of time out for hitting and its one of those mornings where I walk by my bedroom and see the sunlight shining in and I just want to flop on my bed and crack open a book and stay there, with my door closed and my ears shut for the rest of the day. However, that is not reality. Hopefully Colton's bladder is empty at least for awhile. We read scriptures this morning and that felt good. Lydia and Colton are getting along very well today and Colton just said "I won't hit anymore Mommy." in a very convincing, remorseful voice. There is still a potential filled day and the sun IS shining. I think we will make cupcakes. Since I can't have my book and solitude, I will certainly settle for the crazy joy that a certain 4-year-old and 2-year-old provide. Motherhood is what I chose to do and there are times I think I don't like it, but when I look for the joy, I find it. Because even though it is no fun to put Colton in his room for a time out, it sure is great when he gives me a hug and says, "Sorry Mommy." Wish me luck for the rest of the day. I hope I can keep this positive perspective up!


Julie said...

You're great Heather. Good luck today. It will be a good one :0) At least you can wear your pajamas, rather than reading a book.

Erin L said...

it does sound nice to sit in my room with a book all day. Motherhood is hard. But its a good hard.

Little Lady~bug said...

it's amazing that kids can get along great one minute and the next, toys are flying and tantrums are thrown. Ahh being a mom is great!
good luck