On Friday night Mike went to a computer party. Once a month a bunch of guys get together, hook up their computers and play games against eachother on a big network. It's crazy- these boys play until 3 in the morning. Thank goodness it is only once a month. The winner of the main game at the end of the night wins a traveling trophy- the Golden Gun. It is a coveted trophy and has only been won by a few people. They also have a trophy for the short bus competition where they will play a game with their keyboards backwards, using their left hand with the mouse or some other handicap. After a grueling night, Mike managed to be the first one ever to win both competitions in one night! He was so proud.
The next morning, I had a speech competition for Toastmasters. I had already performed my speech in front of my club and they voted me to move on to the next level, which is against people in and around Lafayette. Well, after much practice, I won that one! It was great fun. Now I will move on and compete against people in all of Northern Indiana in April. Wish me luck!
It was a fun weekend of success!
That's so awesome that you guys support each other in your hobbies and separate friends. You guys rock!
That's fantastic! (for both of you) I really wish I could speak well in front of people though, that would be great. Mike and I decided we needed something for me to do to increase my brain power during the day. I think it'll be a Master's Degree for me, I'm so glad to see you're already busy bettering your talents!
Chris thinks the "shortbus" award is funny--so like him!
I love that you have found something you like to do! What is your speech on? Congrats, I hope you do well in your next competition.
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