Monday, March 9, 2009

Photo Shoot

I love taking photos and I hop onto some of your blogs and it makes me want to just go photo happy because you take such great pictures! Well today the lighting in my bedroom was good and Colton was really happy so we played dress up and started snapping pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. I will have to catch Lydia again because today she wasn't too motivated. I had to bribe her with smarties. It hit me after looking at these pictures how big she is getting. We are talking about sending her to a speech intensive preschool this fall. When I was told she could even ride a bus to preschool, my little heart hurt a little bit. Guess I really am a mom.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

And the Winner Is. . .

On Friday night Mike went to a computer party. Once a month a bunch of guys get together, hook up their computers and play games against eachother on a big network. It's crazy- these boys play until 3 in the morning. Thank goodness it is only once a month. The winner of the main game at the end of the night wins a traveling trophy- the Golden Gun. It is a coveted trophy and has only been won by a few people. They also have a trophy for the short bus competition where they will play a game with their keyboards backwards, using their left hand with the mouse or some other handicap. After a grueling night, Mike managed to be the first one ever to win both competitions in one night! He was so proud.
The next morning, I had a speech competition for Toastmasters. I had already performed my speech in front of my club and they voted me to move on to the next level, which is against people in and around Lafayette. Well, after much practice, I won that one! It was great fun. Now I will move on and compete against people in all of Northern Indiana in April. Wish me luck!

It was a fun weekend of success!

Great Grandma Kowney

Over the weekend we went to Iowa for Mike's great grandma's funeral. I only met her once, but she was a sweet old lady- always sending cards and making blankets or other crafts to send. Her father was bootlegger. She spent her wedding night in the same room as her sister-in-law and lived in a garage for a period of time with her new little family. She saved $15 to buy a car that let fumes in through the floorboards. Quite the lady. Cousins
Finding some entertainment during the viewing.
4 generations of Hansen's. Top left- Mike, top right Mat (Mike's brother)Bottom left is Mike's uncle, middle is his grandpa holding Colton and Mike's Dad Marty on the bottom right.
Grandma Kowney Thanksgiving 2007

Hip Hat

I hate spending money. It's a complex or phobia or something. I understand that it takes money to live, so we spend what we have to, but I have a hard time spending money on myself and I love to feel like I've got a bargain. Yard sales are the best! Because of these things I find myself needing to update my wardrobe or accessorize or something- in order to maintain the level of hipness I had as a teenager. (Yes I know I am 24 and no longer a teenager, but I would rather look like I was 18 than 38) So with my birthday money, I was selfish and I actually spent it on myself. I went on a little shopping spree once the kids had gone to bed and bought new shoes. (the first pair in 5 years!) Some jewelry and this new hat. In highschool I loved to find different hats to wear- cowboy hats, bucket hats, a beret, but I think somewhere along the line I either lost the confidence to wear them or decided they were too "loud" for my more reserved, more mature motherhood style. I told my mother-in-law this and she said, "You can still wear cute hats you know." She really made me think, and I am glad she did. So this is my new loud, hip hat and I love it! I wear it every chance I get and when I wear it, I can't help thinking to myself, 'you are one hot mama!'