Monday, August 29, 2011


"Why can't I play?"

Soccer season has begun! I am now a "soccer mom" and I love it! Lydia really likes soccer and she tries very hard. I hope it is something she can continue to enjoy. Mike is a coach and they both love that!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School

My Mighty Kindergarten started school today and did great! She said her favorite part was going to Gym.
This handsome fellow went to his first day of preschool. His favorite part were the cookies at snack time! Could have guessed that one. He had a hard time at first, but they took him to see Lydia and one hug from her was all it took to dry the tears.
So now what do I do twice a week while I am childless? I PARTY! No, actually I plan to exercise, run errands and squeeze in some hobbies like some photography, sewing, and maybe brush up some of those skills from college that I have yet to use!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gone a long time

From the last week of June, to the first week of August, I was home for a total of 9 days, so things have gotten away from me. A lot of my photo's aren't loading, but I have to start somewhere. For the first segment of traveling, we all went to Idaho to see the fam. It was great. The photo's are in no specific order. We went to the cabin and even with all the playing we did, the boys still managed to find some time to work. I didn't know Mike was such a good logger. I guess he can always fall back on that if the PHD doesn't work out.
Watermelon, hot dogs, smores. . . a delicious campfire meal with all the cousins.
We flew in on Grandma's birthday and celebrated with a delicious cake at Bruce and Lisa's in Bountiful. Mom really liked being sung to by her grandkids. (Note- right before this photo was taken, Mike and I were in the Urgent Care because while loading into the suburban at the airport, Mike cut his knee on an exposed piece of metal and had to have it glued back together. An adventurous start!)
We also found time to sneak up to Rexburg and see Mike's sister, Maria. We enjoyed seeing the changes at BYU-I and eating delicious cupcakes, and delicious sandwiches, and delicious fried cheesecake . . . Wow, there are a lot more eating options now!
What trip to Idaho is complete without a tractor ride with a potato farmer?
My hunny and I getting ready to ride the boat at Palisades. Couldn't ask for more! (Well, I guess I would make the water warmer if I could.)
Maybe Colton can be a lumberjack too.
The kids saw Temple Square for the first time.
The flight to Salt Lake. They had a great time.
My buddy.
In addition to the fun posted with photo's, we also road fourwheelers and dirtbikes, we saw Car's 2 with EVERYONE there. We took in the parade and the fireworks. Had a fourth of July Bar-B-Q with all of MY cousins. We played board games, broke a pinata and some of the things in it. We went to a splash park and ate caramel apples and cotton candy. It was awesome.