Colton turned 2! He got a punch bag for his birthday which is being used as a bench here.
This is Colton's cake. It was fun and pretty easy to make. I am far from professional with my cake decorating, but I'm improving.
We played in the sprinklers at a friends house on Colton's birthday. Another little girl was also there celebrating her 1st birthday, so our hostess gave the birthday kids ice cream cones with candles. They loved it!
Some interesting things about my little man. He is a huge tease and shows promise as a class clown. He thinks its really funny when people fall. He loves wrestling, movies, cars and horses. If you ask him how old he is, he will say 4. (Like his sister) Colton loves cookies, but doesn't care for icecream. I pray for Colton's safety everyday because he is always climbing on something or trying to jump off something. He must have one good guardian angel. This week Colton learned how to open doors!