Wednesday, March 24, 2010

what we did in Ohio, before I abandoned the children

The Hansen's got a new little fourwheeler. Mike doesn't fit too well.
Colton the nerd.
Lydia on the way to papa's house.
We played basketball for Family Home Evening one night. Mike's brother and his family came too. Lightning was great fun, but I had the best time playing 2 on 2 with Mike's sister Kimmy.
They had a tri-stake seminary activity that we chaperoned. Mike's dad dressed up as Enoch and the kids had to guess who he was. It was fun at the dance because we were dancing and people weren't sure if we were seminary kids or if we were married.
Colton wearing Papa's hat and holding a horse. He couldn't get enough of going outside to be with the horses. They are everywhere. He was so excited!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm diggin' that red shirt!
And ole for running a half marathon. I got asics (spelling?) and love them...they will carry me nobly over my finish line :0)