Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mike's grand adventure

Mike is a scoutmaster. He has yet to wear his uniform and I have yet to sew on the appropriate patches. Mike himself never advanced very far in scouting because he would rather be playing sports. As a scoutmaster, Mike has now found a way to combine the two. Or, at least he did, until last Saturday. He won't be playing sports for awhile.
Mike went on a campout with the 12 and 13 year olds. He even slept outside without a tent- very brave I thought. I think Mike's favorite part of campouts is playing games with the boys such as kick the can and capture the flag. Well today it was capture the flag. Mike was running through the woods, flag in hand and ten feet from victoriously returning to his side when he hit a log and went down . . . and stayed down. 3 x-rays, one MRI and a cast and crutches later, Mike has ruptured a tendon in his foot and is due for surgery in another week or so. He really does have good spirits about the whole thing and he really does expect his sweet wife to bring all of his food and anything else to him, but he is finding crutches in the winter inconvenient at best.
The worst thing about having a cast is:
1. It is very hard to find pants that will fit over a cast and even harder to take off pants that one was wearing when the cast was put on.
The worst thing about crutches in the winter is:
1. Hobbling in snow and then coming inside to a slick floor where your crutches try flying out from under you!
Well, at least that's what I think the worst part of it is. Maybe it's just sore armpits. Or perhaps the worst part for Mike is knowing that he let his team down when he fell with the flag and lost the game for them! That seems like something Mike would really regret.


Kristine said...

Oh no! I hope the surgery goes well and Mike can keep up in school. And sorry about losing at capture the flag. That's definitely the kind of thing Tyson would have been upset about, too! Funny. Tell Mike we hope he gets well soon!

Bekah and Lance said...

That's just no fun! Make sure to let us know how the invalid's surgery goes. :)

Margaret said...

Poor Mike! Hope everything goes well and your lives get back to normal as quickly as possible.

ERIN said...

Mike, sad to hear about your incident. But it couldn't have been for a worthier cause

Boyscout capture the flag?