Monday, October 18, 2010

I like hiking!

Awesome mall. I loved the architecture. It was such a calming place.
Impressive Michael Jackson impersonators on the Strip.
Mike's co-worker, Johnny. He's from China and never been around a horse before. He rode this big "powerful" horse.
Bryce Canyon. We drove up and enjoyed a half day there.
Mike on top of Angel's landing in Zion's. That is the scariest hike I've ever been on! I didn't make it all the way to the top because the last half mile you hang onto this chain that's secured into the rock and just shimmy around the mountain. If you mis-step, it's a 1000 foot fall! I know there was a time when I would have done this, but something about having the responsibility of children changes you. (Dad- you would have been proud. You would have been pretty upset with me had you seen this thing!)
Another hike at Zion's
The barn at Mike's house. The colors on the tree's got pretty washed out, but it was a beautiful evening. I thought the silhouette was cool.
Colton carrying this poor patient kitten around any chance he got.
The swing. Wee!!! It's a tall one. You glide through the air.
Mike's sister carved and painted these awesome veggi-tales pumpkins!

Call this a photo log. Over the last week, we went to Ohio and dropped off the kids where they stayed for the week. We flew into Las Vegas, stayed a night, and then headed up to Zion's National Park in Southern Utah where Mike had a chemistry conference. My mom even came down and spent a few days with us. The hiking was awesome! There are no real hikes in Indiana. It is too flat. Vegas was fun to see, but if you don't drink or gamble, the selection of awesome things to do is limited. We didn't catch a show or ride the rides on the stratosphere, which were about the only things that interested us, but that's alright. Zion's was much more our style. I read a book by the pool or window shopped while Mike was in his sessions. It was a nice week.


Jessica said...

I am so jealous :) I LOVE Zion!! I bet you had a good time. I have been on the angels landing hike and I don't think anything or anyone could get me all the way to the top :) Too scary for me...

Heather said...

I'm with a-- I was never a daredevil, but now I find no joy in dangerous things. Maybe it's washing all that laundry that sucks it out of ya?
Looks like you had an amazing trip. Any chance Mike's next conference is up in our direction?